Since it's inception, WEEL has made significant contributions to our understanding of the socio-ecological dynamics in, of, and around wetlands and urban environments. Our students, faculty and staff have authored or co-authored a number of peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and book chapters.
Childers, D.L., Bois, P., Hartnett, H.E., McPhearson, T., Metson, G.S. In Review. Urban Ecological Infrastructure: An inclusive concept for the non-built urban environment. Landscape and Urban Planning.
Bois, P., Childers, D.L., Corlouer, T., Laurent, J., Massicot, A., Sanchez, C.A., Wanko, A. 2017. Confirming a plant-mediated "Biological Tide" in an aridland constructed treatment wetland. Ecosphere 8(3): 1-16
Chapman E.J., D.L. Childers, J.J. Vallino, 2016. How the Second Law of Thermodynamics has informed ecosystem ecology through its history. BioScience 66:27–39.
Chapman E.J. (2016) Why are you here (or there)? BioScience 66:424–426.
Chapman E.J., D.L. Childers, E.L. Shock, M.R. Turetsky, accepted. A thermodynamic analysis of ecosystem development in northern wetlands. Wetlands
N.A. Weller, D.L. Childers, L. Turnbull, R.F. Upham, 2016. Aridland constructed treatment wetlands I: Macrophyte productivity, community composition and nitrogen uptake. Ecol. Engineering.
C.A. Sanchez, D.L. Childers, L. Turnbull, R.F. Upham, and N.A. Weller, 2016. Aridland constructed treatment wetlands II: Macrophyte-driven control of teh wetland water budget makes the system more efficient than expected. Ecol. Engineering.
Childers, D.L., Cadenasso, M.L., Grove, J.M., Marshall, V., McGrath, B., Pickett, S.T.A. 2015. An Ecology for Cities: A Transformational Nexus of Design and Ecology to Advance Climate Change Resilience and Urban Sustainability. Sustainability 7:3774-3791
Troxler, T.G., Barr, J.G., Fuentes, J.D., Engel, V., Anderson, G., Sanchez, C., Lagomasino, D., Price, R., Davis, S., 2015. Component-specific dynamics of riverine mangrove CO2 efflux in the Florida coastal Everglades. Agric. For. Meteorol. 213: 273-282
Warner, B., C. Kuzdas, C., and D.L. Childers, in review. Political economic barriers to climate change adaptations: A study of agrarian rural development in Northwest Costa Rica. Development and Change.
Ruddell, B.L., R. Yu, M. Kang, and D.L. Childers, in review. Modeling climate and phenophase controls on eco-climate state using Dynamical Process Networks. Global Change Biology.
M. Gartin. 2015. The Death of Distance: Comparing Food Deserts across the Global Divide. In K. Fitzpatrick and D. Willis (Eds.), Place-Based Perspectives on Food in Society. New York: Macmillan/Palgrave Publishers.
M. McHale, S. Pickett, O. Barbosa, D. Bunn, M. Cadenasso, D. L. Childers, M. Gartin, G. Hess, D. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M.N. Peterson, A.K. Poole, L. Rivers III, S.T. Shutters, W. Zhou. The New Global Urban Realm: Complex, Connected, Diffuse, and Diverse Socio-Ecological Systems.
C.J. Saunders, D.L. Childers, E. Gaiser, J. Trexler, and G. Noe. The role of ecosystem processes and habitat connectivity on P cycling in Shark Slough, Everglades National Park: A budget and modeling approach.
A. Wiek, D. L. Childers, M. L. Cadenasso, S. Carpenter, F. S. Chapin III, S. Collins, N. B. Grimm, D. J. Lang, L. Lebel, P. Martens, L. Olsson, S. T.A. Pickett, C. L. Redman, and B.L. Turner II. Crafting science-based solutions for sustainability problems in complex social-ecological systems.
J.R. Wozniak, G. Noe, D.L. Childers, W.T. Anderson, E.E. Gaiser, D.T. Rudnick, and C. Madden. Determining nitrogen uptake rates at varying phosphorus loads in an estuarine ecotone wetland, Southern Everglades, USA.
J.R. Wozniak, D.L. Childers, W.T. Anderson, E.E. Gaiser, D.T. Rudnick, and C. Madden. Nitrogen and carbon stable isotope signatures in freshwater marshes of the Southern Everglades, Florida USA.
Sanchez, C., E.E. Gaiser, C.J. Saunders, A. Wachnicka, N. Oehm. 2013. Challenges in using siliceous subfossils as a tool for inferring past water level and hydroperiod in Everglades marshes. Journal of Paleolimnology 49(1): 45-66.
A. Brewis, M. Gartin, A. Wutich, and A. Young. 2013. Global Convergence in Ethnotheories of Water and Disease. Global Public Health 8(1): 13-36.
D.L. Childers, Z. Caple, C. Carlielle-Marquet, D. Cordell, V. Gerhart, D. Iwaniec, and S. White. 2013. Future Scenarios for the Sustainable Use of Global Phosphorus Resources. In K.A. Wyant, J. Corman, and J. Elser (Eds.), Phosphorus, Food, and our Future. London: Oxford Press.
B. Crona, A. Wutich, A. Brewis, and M. Gartin. 2013. Perceptions of climate change: Linking local and global perceptions through a cultural knowledge. Climate Change 119(2): 519-531.
J.W. Day, F. Sklar, J.E. Cable, D.L. Childers, C. Coronado-Molina, S.E. Davis, S. Kelly, C.J. Madden, B. Perez, E. Reyes, D.T. Rudnick, and M.A. Sutula. 2013. The salinity transition zone between the Southern Everglades and Florida Bay: System functioning and implications for coastal zone management. In J.W.Day and A. Yañez-Arancibia (Eds.), Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
N.B. Grimm, C.L. Redman, C.G. Boone, D.L. Childers, S. Harlan, and B.L. Turner II. 2013. Viewing the urban socioecological system through a sustainability lens: Lessons and prospects from the Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER Programme. In S.J. Singh, H. Haberl, M. Chertow, M. Mirtl, M. Schmid, (Eds). Long Term Socio-Ecological Research, Studies in Society: Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer Neatherlands.
G.S. Metson, K.A. Wyant, and D.L. Childers. 2013. Introduction to Phosphorus sustainability. In K.A. Wyant, J. Corman, and J. Elser (Eds.) Phosphorus, Food, and our Future. Oxford Press.
S.T.A. Pickett, C.G. Boone, B.P. McGrath, M.L. Cadenasso, D. L. Childers, L.A. Ogden, M. McHale, J.M. Grove. 2013. Ecological science and transformation to the sustainable city. Cities. 32: S10-S20.
T.G. Troxler, E. Gaiser, J. Barr, J.D. Fuentes, R. Jaffe, D.L. Childers, L. Collado-Vides, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castaneda-Moya, W. Anderson, R. Chambers, et. al. 2013. Integrated carbon budget models for the Everglades terrestrial-coastal-oceanic gradient: Current status and needs for inter-site comparisons. Oceanography 26(3):98-107
T.G. Troxler, D. L. Childers, and C. J. Madden. 2013. Drivers of Decadal-Scale Change in Southern Everglades Wetland Macrophyte Communities of the Coastal Ecotone. Wetlands 34(1): 81-90.
G. Koch, D.L. Childers, E. Gaiser, and R. Price. 2012. Hydrological conditions control P loading and aquatic metabolism in an oligotrophic, subtropical estuary. Estuaries & Coasts 35(1): 292-307.
G.R. Metson, R. Hale, D. Iwaniec, E. Cook, J. Corman, C. Galletti, and D.L. Childers. 2012. Phosphorus in Phoenix: A budget and spatial representation of phosphorus in an urban ecosystem. Ecological Applications 22(2): 705-721
G. Metson, R. Aggarwhal, and D.L. Childers. 2012. Efficiency Through Proximity: Changes in Phosphorus Cycling at the Urban-Agricultural Interface of a Rapidly Urbanizing Desert Region. Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(6): 914-927.
J. Ramos, N. Lymn, R. Salguero-Gomez, and M. Power. 2012. Ecological Society of America’s Initiatives and Contributions during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 93: 115-116.
T.G. Troxler, M. Ikenaga, L. Scinto, J.N. Boyer, R. Condit, R. Perez, G. Gann, and D.L. Childers. 2012. Patterns of Soil Bacteria and Canopy Community Structure Related to Tropical Peatland Development. Wetlands 32(4): 769-782
L. Turnbull, B.P. Wilcox, J. Belnap, S. Ravi, P. D’Odorico, D.L. Childers, W. Gwenzi, G.S. Okin, J. Wainwright, K.K. Caylor, and T. Sankey. 2012. Understanding the role of ecohydrological feedbacks in ecosystem state change in drylands. Ecohydrology 5(2): 174-183.
J. Wainwright, L. Turnbull, T.G. Ibrahim, I. Lexartza-Artza, S.F. Thomton, and R.E. Brazier. 2011. Linking Environmental Régimes, Space and Time: Interpretations of Structural and Functional Connectivity. Geomorphology 126: 387-404.
B.P. Wilcox, L. Turnbull, M.H. Young, J. Williams, S. Ravi, M.S. Seyfried, D.R. Bowling, R.S. Scott, M. Germino, T. Caldwell, and J. Wainwright. 2012. Invasion of shrublands by exotic grasses: ecohydrological consequences in cold versus warm deserts. Ecohydrology 5: 160-173.
J.C. Withey, J.J. Lawler, S. Polasky, A.J. Plantinga, E.J. Nelson, P. Kareiva, C.B. Wilsey, C.A. Schloss, T. Nogeire, A. Ruesch, J. Ramos, and W. Reid. 2012. Maximizing return on conservation investment the conterminous U.S. Ecology Letters 15:1249-1256* Featured as the Ecology “Editor’s in Choice” in Science 337: 1584 ROI_inScience_EditorsChoice09282012.pdf
D.L. Childers, J. Corman, M. Edwards, and J.J. Elser. 2011. Sustainability challenges of phosphorus and food: Solutions from closing the human P cycle. Bioscience 6: 117-124.
S.L. Collins, S.M. Carpenter, D.L Childers, T.L. Gragson, N.B. Grimm, J.M. Grove, S.L. Harlan, A.K. Knapp, G.P. Kofinas, J.J. Magnuson, W.H. McDowell, J.M. Melack, L.A. Ogden, D. Ornstein, G.P. Robertson, M.D. Smith, R. Swinton, and A. Whitmer. 2011. An integrated conceptual framework for socio-ecological research. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 96: 351-357.
V.H. Rivera-Monroy, R.R. Twilley, S.E. Davis III, D.L. Childers, M. Simard, R. Chambers, R. Jaffe, J.N. Boyer, D. Rudnick, K. Zhang, E. Castañeda-Moya, S. Ewe, C. Coronado-Molina, M. Ross, T.J. Smith III, B. Michot, E. Meselhe, W. Nuttle, T. Troxler, and G.B. Noe. 2011. The Role of the Everglades Mangrove Ecotone Region (EMER) in Regulating Nutrient Cycling and Wetland Productivity in South Florida. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41(S1): 1–37.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, and R.E. Brazier. 2011. Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics during runoff events over a transition from grassland to shrubland in the south-western United States. Hydrological Processes 25: 1-17.
N. Zimmerman, R. Salguero-Gomez, and J. Ramos. 2011. The next generation of peer reviewing. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9: 199.
Y. Deng, H. M. Solo-Gabriele, M. Laas, L. Leonard, D.L. Childers, G. He, and V. Engel. 2010. Impacts of hurricanes on surface water flow within a wetland. Journal of Hydrology 392: 164-172.
G. He, V. Engel, L. Leonard, A. Croft, D.L. Childers, M. Laas, Y. Deng, and H. Solo-Gabriele. 2010. Factors controlling surface water flow in a low-gradient subtropical wetland. Wetlands 30: 275-286.
T.G. Troxler and D.L. Childers. 2010. Biogeochemical contributions of tree islands to Everglades wetland landscape nitrogen cycling during seasonal inundation. Ecosystems 13: 75-89.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, R.E. Brazier, and R. Bol. 2010. Biotic and Abiotic Changes in Ecosystem Structure over a Shrub-Encroachment Gradient in the Southwestern USA. Ecosystems 13: 1239-1255.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, and R.E. Brazier. 2010. Changes in hydrology and erosion over a transition from grassland to shrubland. Hydrological Processes 24: 393-414.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, and R.E. Brazier. 2010. Hydrology, erosion and nutrient transfers over a transition from semi-arid grassland to shrubland in the South-Western USA: A modeling assessment. Journal of Hydrology 388: 258-272.
K.J. Babbitt, M.J. Baber, D.L. Childers, and D. Hocking. 2009. Influence of agricultural upland habitat on larval anuran assemblages in seasonally-inundated wetlands. Wetlands 29(1): 294-301.
T. Mourad, R. Rino, A.R. Berkowitz, A. Finley, and J. Ramos. 2009. Special Session 5 Student Diversity: Trail Blazers in Transforming the Culture of Ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 90: 103-108.
T.G. Troxler and D.L. Childers. 2009. Litter decomposition promotes differential feedbacks in an oligotrophic southern Everglades wetland. Plant Ecology 200: 69-82.
P.R. Wetzel, A.G. van der Valk, S. Newman, C.A. Coronado, T.G. Troxler-Gann, D.L. Childers, W.H. Orem, and F.H. Sklar. 2009. Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades. Plant Ecology 200: 83-90.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, and R.E. Brazier. 2008. A conceptual framework for understanding semi-arid land degradation: Ecohydrological interactions across multiple-space and time scales. Ecohydrology 1: 23-34.
L. Turnbull, R.E. Brazier, J. Wainwright, L. Dixon, and R. Bol. 2008. Use of carbon isotope analysis to understand semi-arid erosion dynamics and long-term semi-arid land degradation. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22: 1697-1702.
J.R. Wozniak, D.L. Childers, W.T. Anderson, D.T. Rudnick, and C. Madden. 2008. Quantifying N cycling rates in oligotrophic wetlands using 15N tracer techniques and field mesocosms. Wetlands 28(2): 502-512.c.
Childers, D.L., Bois, P., Hartnett, H.E., McPhearson, T., Metson, G.S. In Review. Urban Ecological Infrastructure: An inclusive concept for the non-built urban environment. Landscape and Urban Planning.
Bois, P., Childers, D.L., Corlouer, T., Laurent, J., Massicot, A., Sanchez, C.A., Wanko, A. 2017. Confirming a plant-mediated "Biological Tide" in an aridland constructed treatment wetland. Ecosphere 8(3): 1-16
Chapman E.J., D.L. Childers, J.J. Vallino, 2016. How the Second Law of Thermodynamics has informed ecosystem ecology through its history. BioScience 66:27–39.
Chapman E.J. (2016) Why are you here (or there)? BioScience 66:424–426.
Chapman E.J., D.L. Childers, E.L. Shock, M.R. Turetsky, accepted. A thermodynamic analysis of ecosystem development in northern wetlands. Wetlands
N.A. Weller, D.L. Childers, L. Turnbull, R.F. Upham, 2016. Aridland constructed treatment wetlands I: Macrophyte productivity, community composition and nitrogen uptake. Ecol. Engineering.
C.A. Sanchez, D.L. Childers, L. Turnbull, R.F. Upham, and N.A. Weller, 2016. Aridland constructed treatment wetlands II: Macrophyte-driven control of teh wetland water budget makes the system more efficient than expected. Ecol. Engineering.
Childers, D.L., Cadenasso, M.L., Grove, J.M., Marshall, V., McGrath, B., Pickett, S.T.A. 2015. An Ecology for Cities: A Transformational Nexus of Design and Ecology to Advance Climate Change Resilience and Urban Sustainability. Sustainability 7:3774-3791
Troxler, T.G., Barr, J.G., Fuentes, J.D., Engel, V., Anderson, G., Sanchez, C., Lagomasino, D., Price, R., Davis, S., 2015. Component-specific dynamics of riverine mangrove CO2 efflux in the Florida coastal Everglades. Agric. For. Meteorol. 213: 273-282
Warner, B., C. Kuzdas, C., and D.L. Childers, in review. Political economic barriers to climate change adaptations: A study of agrarian rural development in Northwest Costa Rica. Development and Change.
Ruddell, B.L., R. Yu, M. Kang, and D.L. Childers, in review. Modeling climate and phenophase controls on eco-climate state using Dynamical Process Networks. Global Change Biology.
M. Gartin. 2015. The Death of Distance: Comparing Food Deserts across the Global Divide. In K. Fitzpatrick and D. Willis (Eds.), Place-Based Perspectives on Food in Society. New York: Macmillan/Palgrave Publishers.
M. McHale, S. Pickett, O. Barbosa, D. Bunn, M. Cadenasso, D. L. Childers, M. Gartin, G. Hess, D. Iwaniec, T. McPhearson, M.N. Peterson, A.K. Poole, L. Rivers III, S.T. Shutters, W. Zhou. The New Global Urban Realm: Complex, Connected, Diffuse, and Diverse Socio-Ecological Systems.
C.J. Saunders, D.L. Childers, E. Gaiser, J. Trexler, and G. Noe. The role of ecosystem processes and habitat connectivity on P cycling in Shark Slough, Everglades National Park: A budget and modeling approach.
A. Wiek, D. L. Childers, M. L. Cadenasso, S. Carpenter, F. S. Chapin III, S. Collins, N. B. Grimm, D. J. Lang, L. Lebel, P. Martens, L. Olsson, S. T.A. Pickett, C. L. Redman, and B.L. Turner II. Crafting science-based solutions for sustainability problems in complex social-ecological systems.
J.R. Wozniak, G. Noe, D.L. Childers, W.T. Anderson, E.E. Gaiser, D.T. Rudnick, and C. Madden. Determining nitrogen uptake rates at varying phosphorus loads in an estuarine ecotone wetland, Southern Everglades, USA.
J.R. Wozniak, D.L. Childers, W.T. Anderson, E.E. Gaiser, D.T. Rudnick, and C. Madden. Nitrogen and carbon stable isotope signatures in freshwater marshes of the Southern Everglades, Florida USA.
Sanchez, C., E.E. Gaiser, C.J. Saunders, A. Wachnicka, N. Oehm. 2013. Challenges in using siliceous subfossils as a tool for inferring past water level and hydroperiod in Everglades marshes. Journal of Paleolimnology 49(1): 45-66.
A. Brewis, M. Gartin, A. Wutich, and A. Young. 2013. Global Convergence in Ethnotheories of Water and Disease. Global Public Health 8(1): 13-36.
D.L. Childers, Z. Caple, C. Carlielle-Marquet, D. Cordell, V. Gerhart, D. Iwaniec, and S. White. 2013. Future Scenarios for the Sustainable Use of Global Phosphorus Resources. In K.A. Wyant, J. Corman, and J. Elser (Eds.), Phosphorus, Food, and our Future. London: Oxford Press.
B. Crona, A. Wutich, A. Brewis, and M. Gartin. 2013. Perceptions of climate change: Linking local and global perceptions through a cultural knowledge. Climate Change 119(2): 519-531.
J.W. Day, F. Sklar, J.E. Cable, D.L. Childers, C. Coronado-Molina, S.E. Davis, S. Kelly, C.J. Madden, B. Perez, E. Reyes, D.T. Rudnick, and M.A. Sutula. 2013. The salinity transition zone between the Southern Everglades and Florida Bay: System functioning and implications for coastal zone management. In J.W.Day and A. Yañez-Arancibia (Eds.), Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
N.B. Grimm, C.L. Redman, C.G. Boone, D.L. Childers, S. Harlan, and B.L. Turner II. 2013. Viewing the urban socioecological system through a sustainability lens: Lessons and prospects from the Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER Programme. In S.J. Singh, H. Haberl, M. Chertow, M. Mirtl, M. Schmid, (Eds). Long Term Socio-Ecological Research, Studies in Society: Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Springer Neatherlands.
G.S. Metson, K.A. Wyant, and D.L. Childers. 2013. Introduction to Phosphorus sustainability. In K.A. Wyant, J. Corman, and J. Elser (Eds.) Phosphorus, Food, and our Future. Oxford Press.
S.T.A. Pickett, C.G. Boone, B.P. McGrath, M.L. Cadenasso, D. L. Childers, L.A. Ogden, M. McHale, J.M. Grove. 2013. Ecological science and transformation to the sustainable city. Cities. 32: S10-S20.
T.G. Troxler, E. Gaiser, J. Barr, J.D. Fuentes, R. Jaffe, D.L. Childers, L. Collado-Vides, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castaneda-Moya, W. Anderson, R. Chambers, et. al. 2013. Integrated carbon budget models for the Everglades terrestrial-coastal-oceanic gradient: Current status and needs for inter-site comparisons. Oceanography 26(3):98-107
T.G. Troxler, D. L. Childers, and C. J. Madden. 2013. Drivers of Decadal-Scale Change in Southern Everglades Wetland Macrophyte Communities of the Coastal Ecotone. Wetlands 34(1): 81-90.
G. Koch, D.L. Childers, E. Gaiser, and R. Price. 2012. Hydrological conditions control P loading and aquatic metabolism in an oligotrophic, subtropical estuary. Estuaries & Coasts 35(1): 292-307.
G.R. Metson, R. Hale, D. Iwaniec, E. Cook, J. Corman, C. Galletti, and D.L. Childers. 2012. Phosphorus in Phoenix: A budget and spatial representation of phosphorus in an urban ecosystem. Ecological Applications 22(2): 705-721
G. Metson, R. Aggarwhal, and D.L. Childers. 2012. Efficiency Through Proximity: Changes in Phosphorus Cycling at the Urban-Agricultural Interface of a Rapidly Urbanizing Desert Region. Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(6): 914-927.
J. Ramos, N. Lymn, R. Salguero-Gomez, and M. Power. 2012. Ecological Society of America’s Initiatives and Contributions during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 93: 115-116.
T.G. Troxler, M. Ikenaga, L. Scinto, J.N. Boyer, R. Condit, R. Perez, G. Gann, and D.L. Childers. 2012. Patterns of Soil Bacteria and Canopy Community Structure Related to Tropical Peatland Development. Wetlands 32(4): 769-782
L. Turnbull, B.P. Wilcox, J. Belnap, S. Ravi, P. D’Odorico, D.L. Childers, W. Gwenzi, G.S. Okin, J. Wainwright, K.K. Caylor, and T. Sankey. 2012. Understanding the role of ecohydrological feedbacks in ecosystem state change in drylands. Ecohydrology 5(2): 174-183.
J. Wainwright, L. Turnbull, T.G. Ibrahim, I. Lexartza-Artza, S.F. Thomton, and R.E. Brazier. 2011. Linking Environmental Régimes, Space and Time: Interpretations of Structural and Functional Connectivity. Geomorphology 126: 387-404.
B.P. Wilcox, L. Turnbull, M.H. Young, J. Williams, S. Ravi, M.S. Seyfried, D.R. Bowling, R.S. Scott, M. Germino, T. Caldwell, and J. Wainwright. 2012. Invasion of shrublands by exotic grasses: ecohydrological consequences in cold versus warm deserts. Ecohydrology 5: 160-173.
J.C. Withey, J.J. Lawler, S. Polasky, A.J. Plantinga, E.J. Nelson, P. Kareiva, C.B. Wilsey, C.A. Schloss, T. Nogeire, A. Ruesch, J. Ramos, and W. Reid. 2012. Maximizing return on conservation investment the conterminous U.S. Ecology Letters 15:1249-1256* Featured as the Ecology “Editor’s in Choice” in Science 337: 1584 ROI_inScience_EditorsChoice09282012.pdf
D.L. Childers, J. Corman, M. Edwards, and J.J. Elser. 2011. Sustainability challenges of phosphorus and food: Solutions from closing the human P cycle. Bioscience 6: 117-124.
S.L. Collins, S.M. Carpenter, D.L Childers, T.L. Gragson, N.B. Grimm, J.M. Grove, S.L. Harlan, A.K. Knapp, G.P. Kofinas, J.J. Magnuson, W.H. McDowell, J.M. Melack, L.A. Ogden, D. Ornstein, G.P. Robertson, M.D. Smith, R. Swinton, and A. Whitmer. 2011. An integrated conceptual framework for socio-ecological research. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 96: 351-357.
V.H. Rivera-Monroy, R.R. Twilley, S.E. Davis III, D.L. Childers, M. Simard, R. Chambers, R. Jaffe, J.N. Boyer, D. Rudnick, K. Zhang, E. Castañeda-Moya, S. Ewe, C. Coronado-Molina, M. Ross, T.J. Smith III, B. Michot, E. Meselhe, W. Nuttle, T. Troxler, and G.B. Noe. 2011. The Role of the Everglades Mangrove Ecotone Region (EMER) in Regulating Nutrient Cycling and Wetland Productivity in South Florida. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41(S1): 1–37.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, and R.E. Brazier. 2011. Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics during runoff events over a transition from grassland to shrubland in the south-western United States. Hydrological Processes 25: 1-17.
N. Zimmerman, R. Salguero-Gomez, and J. Ramos. 2011. The next generation of peer reviewing. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9: 199.
Y. Deng, H. M. Solo-Gabriele, M. Laas, L. Leonard, D.L. Childers, G. He, and V. Engel. 2010. Impacts of hurricanes on surface water flow within a wetland. Journal of Hydrology 392: 164-172.
G. He, V. Engel, L. Leonard, A. Croft, D.L. Childers, M. Laas, Y. Deng, and H. Solo-Gabriele. 2010. Factors controlling surface water flow in a low-gradient subtropical wetland. Wetlands 30: 275-286.
T.G. Troxler and D.L. Childers. 2010. Biogeochemical contributions of tree islands to Everglades wetland landscape nitrogen cycling during seasonal inundation. Ecosystems 13: 75-89.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, R.E. Brazier, and R. Bol. 2010. Biotic and Abiotic Changes in Ecosystem Structure over a Shrub-Encroachment Gradient in the Southwestern USA. Ecosystems 13: 1239-1255.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, and R.E. Brazier. 2010. Changes in hydrology and erosion over a transition from grassland to shrubland. Hydrological Processes 24: 393-414.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, and R.E. Brazier. 2010. Hydrology, erosion and nutrient transfers over a transition from semi-arid grassland to shrubland in the South-Western USA: A modeling assessment. Journal of Hydrology 388: 258-272.
K.J. Babbitt, M.J. Baber, D.L. Childers, and D. Hocking. 2009. Influence of agricultural upland habitat on larval anuran assemblages in seasonally-inundated wetlands. Wetlands 29(1): 294-301.
T. Mourad, R. Rino, A.R. Berkowitz, A. Finley, and J. Ramos. 2009. Special Session 5 Student Diversity: Trail Blazers in Transforming the Culture of Ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 90: 103-108.
T.G. Troxler and D.L. Childers. 2009. Litter decomposition promotes differential feedbacks in an oligotrophic southern Everglades wetland. Plant Ecology 200: 69-82.
P.R. Wetzel, A.G. van der Valk, S. Newman, C.A. Coronado, T.G. Troxler-Gann, D.L. Childers, W.H. Orem, and F.H. Sklar. 2009. Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades. Plant Ecology 200: 83-90.
L. Turnbull, J. Wainwright, and R.E. Brazier. 2008. A conceptual framework for understanding semi-arid land degradation: Ecohydrological interactions across multiple-space and time scales. Ecohydrology 1: 23-34.
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